Step into magic
Serving as a medical intuitive for the past twenty-five years, Josephine Laing has performed thousands of readings for people from every continent of the world. In these podcast, taken from her weekly radio series, Josephine guides listeners on how to nurture their own psychic ability. Whether you wish to connect with your inner guidance, explore past lives, do divination, or just feel a greater sense of safety in the world, developing your psychic ability is a good idea. This natural human skill is as easy to learn as driving a car. Join Josephine as she helps you develop your psychic ability, deepen your spirituality and find your own true purpose.
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Deep within us, we know the way, and working with myths, archetypes and daydreams further helps to uncover our unique path. This lets us give to the world the one thing that only we can give.
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
When we are out in the many beauties of nature ideas come to us and we find our way. This is one of the miracles of the great outdoors. As we evolve into a more right brain oriented humanity, we find that we can carry this conversation with nature even further. Join us as we explore what can happen when we enter into receptive silence with nature.
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
When we stay in our joy, the path of our lives unfolds brilliantly before us. We all have our unique gifts to give and joy points the way for each of us. Join us as we learn how to free ourselves to embrace the lives we were meant to live and surrender to our own true service.
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
There are many roads that lead to mastery. We can grow up in an environment that promotes our innate genius, or we can cultivate our right brain consciousness, or we can utilize self discipline and devotion to adopt the mind and mannerisms of the master. Join Josephine as we learn how to harmonize our minds and reach for self mastery.
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
When we are in the right side of our brains, we are in the present moment; everything is beautiful; we know that the core of our beings is love and we are open to inspiration and intuitive perception. These are not only human spiritual traits, they are also common in animals, especially dogs. Join us this week, as we delve into the mind of nature and the right side of our own brains.
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Our subconscious minds are powerhouses of creative potential. They create our lives in accordance with the beliefs that we hold deep in our psyche. This can help us or hinder us. When we engage lovingly with this aspect of our self, we can discover what beliefs we hold and change them if we like. As we do so, miracles can occur and we attain our dearest goals and desires in life.
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
In this program, Josephine will explore both modern and ancient understandings of the psyche, focusing on the triple nature of our mind: the superconscious, conscious and the subconscious minds. Please join us for this dynamic show where we discover how to gain full access to our inner guidance and see that there are no limits to our minds.
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
A dear friend of mine studied extensively with a shaman in Peru who used to say, "We always want to blame others for our problems, but all of our problems are inside of our own heads. We have the sun dwelling in our hearts. That is where we need to seek: the heart rather than the head." In other words, it's all about love.
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Truth varies with diversity. This is because we are all so different. For instance what's true for a cat is not necessarily true for a dog. What's true for you may or may not be true for me. When we understand the logic of this, we can see how biased it is for us to routinely stand in judgement of others. Join us as we explore the possibility of releasing judgement from our lives.
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
When we are in love everything is right with our world. Our conscious awareness is heightened to the point where we really find the truth of ourselves. How can we sustain this divine connection beyond the honeymoon phase? Join us as Josephine shares clairvoyant insights and magical formulas for a life of enlivened spirituality and enduring love.